Most Romantic Ways to Propose

You’ve found the girl, you’re in love, and now you want to ask her to marry you. No fear, here at Travel Bar we have prepared for you a list of romantic proposal ideas to help you get started!

Romantic Proposal Ideas

  1. Take her on a boat cruise and while you’re out on the Mediterranean, hire the boat crew to sing her a song that will end with, “will you marry him?”. After they’re done, get down on one knee.
  2. Buy a cupcake from Barcelona Cakes and ask them to bake the ring inside. When she “finds” a ring in her cupcake, take a knee.
  3. Arrange with her family to surprise her with a picnic in Parc Guell. Once everyone is there, suggest that you and she go for a short walk. When you’re out of sight of everyone, ask her hand in marriage.
  4. Tell her you’ve won a photoshoot with a photographer (for our photographer blog post, click here) and while you’re out taking photos, ask for her hand. Afterwards, have an engagement photo shoot!
  5. Go back to where you had your first date. Have one of the waiters bring out the ring on a dessert plate at the end of dinner with the words “be my dessert forever”. As soon as she finds it, offer to make her yours forever.
  6. Take her out in the rowboats in the Parc de la Ciutadella. Once you’re in the middle of the artificial lake, bend a knee and ask her hand.

Unique Proposal Ideas

  1. Compose a poem about the story of your romance and read it to her at the top of Mount Tibidabo outside of Barcelona. We’ve already written the last two lines of your poem: “it’s thus I always knew our romance had to be, and so I’m asking you, will you marry me?”. Kneel.
  2. Go “shopping” in Barcelona’s gothic quarter. Have “que te cases conmigo”  in one of the window displays. Ask her what it means so she’ll look it up online (hint: it means “marry me”) and while she’s on her phone, pop the question.
  3. Coordinate a flash mob with her friends and family. At the end, come forward, pull out a ring and get down on one knee.

For romantic proposal inspiration, check out this video of a proposal flashmob we like:


When all is said and done, she’s been dreaming about your life together and she’s going to be excited, however you decide to propose to her. Congratulations!

As you plan the wedding, make sure to check out our website for stag and hen party activities and packages. We also have posts in our blog about photographers, wedding dresses, and venues in Barcelona.


-Travel Bar

Anna Shoffner is a staff writer for Travel Bar, a Barcelona company that specializes in hen and stag weekends, offering Barcelona’s best tours and experiences. To see Travel Bar’s hen packages, tours, and activities, visit us at For questions, contact us at

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