The Perfect Proposal Speech

Congratulations! You’ve found the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with! Now it’s time to say those four little words: I must be crazy. Will you marry me? How you propose is important, so check out our blog post here for some proposal ideas. But what to say? Read on for Travel Bar’s guide to the perfect proposal speech!

Before the Proposal

Before we get started, a couple of key pieces of advice are important here: first, make sure you have the ring. Studies show overwhelmingly that women want you to have the ring when you propose. So make sure you’re ready!

Secondly, double check your plan for the day. There’s nothing worse than having the whole proposal fall apart because you forgot to follow-up with someone who you were depending on.

Writing your Proposal Speech

Do not depend on the words “just coming to you” when you propose to your bride-to-be. First of all, you’re going to get nervous. And second of all, this should be personal. Just a little of your time a few days in advance will make a huge difference, so at least write down a couple of ideas and then practice what you want to say.  This way you won’t get tongue-tied for one of the most important moments of your relationship!

Here are some guidelines for what you should think about while you’re preparing your proposal speech:

Where did you First Meet?

A good proposal tells a story about your relationship. Start with the beginning! Was it love at first sight? Did she take your breath away? If your first meeting was awkward (one of you was on a date with someone else, it was an embarrassing night for one of you, etc.), feel free not to mention it. Your best man will have plenty of fun with it in his wedding speech! But try to touch on the earliest point in your relationship that you can.

When did you Know?

Can you identify one moment in particular when you realized she was the woman you wanted to marry? Was it when she was with you in the hospital, or when you watched her taking care of a child? Try to think if there was a moment you really knew and, if so, make sure to mention it in your proposal speech.

How do you Know?

What’s the thing (or things) about your girlfriend that prove to you that she’s really the right woman? If it’s something like her infectious sense of humor, her exceptional kindness, or her extraordinary courage, make sure to tell her. What a great opportunity to make her glow!

Looking into the Future

Finally, try to mention some kind of a vision you have for the future. It doesn’t have to be too cliche, but if you can show her what you’re imagining, then that’s what’s getting you ready for…..

The Big Finish

Whatever you say, it has to end with “will you marry me?” However great your speech was, if you forget to finish by asking her the question then it’s not even a proposal speech! Moreover, studies show that it’s important to the majority of women that those exact words are included.

You’re ready to write the perfect proposal speech! She’s going to be so excited to say yes and get that ring on her finger! Congratulations!

If you’re still looking for ideas to set up your proposal day, check out our blog of proposal ideas here. Also, while you’re wedding planning, check out our blog posts on Barcelona’s photographers, dresses, wedding venues, and more!

And remember, we specialize in hen and stag parties in Barcelona, so be sure to look at our recommendations for hen and stag activities here and here.


Travel Bar

Anna Shoffner is a staff writer for Travel Bar, a Barcelona company that specializes in hen and stag weekends, offering Barcelona’s best tours and experiences. To see Travel Bar’s hen packages, tours, and activities, visit us at

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